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Danger of Unbelief

How Important is Faith to Our Country?

Where does unbelief take man? Where has the denial of God and the rejection of His word taken us as a people? One can look how far America has digressed with the legalization of same sex marriage, the rise of racism, the disrespect for human life, the legalization of marijuana and the other vices that harm our nation and wonder, "How did we get here?" Things like these are symptoms of a deep issue: the rejection of God and His word. 

Genesis has been severely attacked and man has sought to discredit it by claiming it to be a book of myths that is filled with fiction. Yet Genesis shows us the beginning of life, marriage, clothing, government, etc. and with that comesmeaningMeaning is tied to origin! Consequently, because we no longer accept the truth of our origin, we are walking a course that without meaning. We are redefining wickedness as righteousness, and vainly seeking to find anything to fill the hole in our soul. But we are drinking from broken cisterns and selling out for that which will not nourish! 

We are like Hosea said long ago, "They sow the wind, And reap the whirlwind. ..." (Hos. 8:7). 

Let is get back to the Bible and be liberated from the darkness which drapes over us. Let us rediscover God and then we will rediscover purpose and meaning. Genesis and the rest of the Scriptures provide us reasons to believe which in turn provides understanding and knowledge of who we are, what we are to be and where we are going.

"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance."
Isaiah 55:2

These articles are sortable. Just click on the Lesson, Author, Date or file tab to sort.
Lesson Author Date File

1. Where Has Unbelief Taken Man?

Wallace, Steven 2015.07.05 mp3, pptx

2. Where Has Unbelief in Creation Taken Us?


Wallace, Steven 2015.07.05 mp3, pptx

3. Where Does Unbelief in the Days of Genesis Lead (A)


Wallace, Steven 2015.07.12



4. Where Does Unbelief in the Days of Genesis Lead (B)


Wallace, Steven 2015.08.23 mp3, pptx

5. Where Does Unbelief In the Days of Genesis Lead (C)


Wallace, Steven 2015.09.06 mp3
Revelation And Creation PowerPoint and Audio Material



"Overcome Evil with Good"

Two builders build houses. Two lives are lived. One falls in the storm while the other one stands. What is the difference?



"The Syro-Phoenician Woman"

An old exhortation needs to be fresh in our daily activities--continue in the faith!


How To Call On The Lord To Be Saved?

It is a phrase which is often stated but one that is unlikely explained. You must "call on the name of the Lord" to be saved. But what does it mean? How do we call on the name of the Lord today?


This command was also unclear to many of the Jews in the first century. The apostle Peter was preaching the gospel to thousands on the day of Pentecost wherein he quoted from the prophet Joel, "And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).

After he testified against their deeds and after he gave irrefutable proof that Jesus was the Christ, the people were pierced to the heart and asked a very important question, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" (Acts 2:37). If they knew "how to call on the name of the Lord, they would not have asked, "what shall we do?"

To keep reading, click here!

The Plan of Salvation

Have you obeyed the gospel? Is the gospel to be obeyed and if so, what is required? We know the gospel is to be obeyed because Paul said of our Lord’s second coming,

“in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 1:8).

To keep reading, click here!

How To Study The Bible

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