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The Book of Genesis is Foundational!

Slide Video


Genesis is a foundation for the rest of the Holy Scriptures. It establishes the beginning of many things: life, sin, death, family, clothing, etc. The meaning of anything is tied to its origin and that is why Genesis is so important in the Bible. Many skeptics and even those who profess to have faith have assaulted the credibility of Genesis. Ask, "How did Jesus and the apostles view Genesis?" Can one honestly profess faith in Jesus (the Last Adam) and yet reject the first man Adam? Paul linked the two together in 1 Corinthians 15:45. One fact that displays the importance of the Genesis record: marriage and divorce! Jesus took His opponents back to Genesis when discussing such (see Mark 10:1-12). 


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Lesson Author Date File

01 The Value of Genesis

Wallace, Steven 2015.05.03 mp3, pptx

02 Lessons From The First Verse

Wallace, Steven 2015.05.10 mp3, pptx

03 Where Unbelief in Creation Has Taken Us

Wallace, Steven 2015.07.05 mp3, pptx

04 Where Unbelief in the Days of Genesis Has Taken Us 1

Wallace, Steven 2015.07.12 mp3, pptx

05 Where Unbelief in the Days of Genesis Has Taken Us 2

Wallace, Steven 2015.08.23 mp3, pptx
06 Where Unbelief in the Days of Genesis Has Taken Us 3 Wallace, Steven 2015.09.06 mp3
07 In The Beginning: The Family 1 Wallace, Steven 2015.10.04 mp3, pptx
08 In The Beginning: The Family 2 Wallace, Steven 2015.10.04 mp3, pptx

09 Satan's Allurement 1

Wallace, Steven 2015.10.11 mp3, pptx

10 Satan's Allurement 2

Wallace, Steven 2015.10.18 mp3, pptx

11 Satan's Allurement 3a
-Nots in The Devil's Tale (1)

Wallace, Steven 2015.10.25

mp4 video (summary)

mp3, pptx

12 Satan's Allurement 3b
-Nots In The Devil's Tale (2)

Wallace, Steven 2015.10.25 mp3, pptx
13 Satan's Allurement 4 Wallace, Steven 2015.11.01 mp3, pptx
14 Satan's Allurement 5 Wallace, Steven 2015.11.01 mp3, pptx
15 Sin: Shame Wallace, Steven 2015.11.15 mp3, pptx

16 Sin: Separation Effect

Wallace, Steven 2015.11.29 mp3, pptx
17 Sin: Self-Justification Wallace, Steven 2015.12.06 mp3, pptx
18 Sin: Its Curse and Covering Wallace, Steven 2015.12.20 mp3, pptx
19 The Corruption of Worship Wallace, Steven 2016.01.03 mp3, pptx
20 The Corrption of Brotherly Love Wallace, Steven 2016.01.24 mp3, pptx
21 The Epitaph of Sin-Gen. 5 Wallace, Steven 2016.02.07 mp3, pptx
22 Walking With God-Gen. 5 Wallace, Steven 2016.02.07 mp3, pptx
23 The Corruption of the World-Gen. 6 Wallace, Steven 2016.03.03 mp3, pptx
24 Noah-Overcoming the World Wallace, Steven 2016.03.20 mp3, pptx
25 The God of Judgment-Gen. 7:1-5 Wallace, Steven 2016.03.20 mp3, pptx
26 The Scope of Judgment-Gen. 7:6-24 Wallace, Steven 2016.03.27 mp3, pptx
27 The Ark of the Judgment Wallace, Steven 2016.04.03 mp3, pptx
28 God Remembered Noah Wallace, Steven 2016.05.29 mp3, pptx
29 Noah Waited and Worshiped Wallace, Steven 2016.05.29 mp3, pptx
30 Life in the New World 1 Wallace, Steven 2017.01.29 mp3
31 Life in the New World 2 Wallace, Steven 2017.01.29 mp3
32 Rainbow Covenant 1 Wallace, Steven 2016.09.25 mp3, pptx
33 Rainbow Covenant 2 Wallace, Steven 2016.09.25 mp3, pptx
34 Abraham & Lot, Journey of Faith 1 Wallace, Steven 2016.07.24 mp3, pptx
35 Abraham & Lot, Journey of Faith 2 Wallace, Steven 2016.07.24 mp3, pptx
36 Abraham & Lot, Journey of Faith 3 Wallace, Steven 2016.07.31 mp3, pptx
37 Isaac & Rebekah: Journey for Bride 1 Wallace, Steven 2016.10.23 mp3, pptx
38 Isaac & Rebekah: Journey for Bride 2 Wallace, Steven 2016.10.23 mp3, pptx
39 Jacob & Esau: Children of Partiality Wallace, Steven 2016.12.11 mp3
40 Lessons from Esau Wallace, Steven 2016.12.11 mp3
41 Jacob's Ladder 1 Wallace, Steven 2017.01.08 mp3
42 Jacob's Ladder 2 Wallace, Steven 2017.01.08 mp3
43 Jacob: Devotion, Deception, Division Wallace, Steven 2017.02.12 mp3
44 Jacob: The Journey Through the Mountains of Giliead (1) Wallace, Steven 2017.03.12 mp3, pptx
45 Jacob: The Journey Through the Mountains of Gilead (2) Wallace, Steven 2017.03.19 mp3
46 Joseph: The Backside of Betrayal 1 Wallace, Steven 2017.04.16 mp3
47 Joseph: The Backside of Betrayal 2 Wallace, Steven 2017.04.16 mp3
48 Joseph: Reunited With Brothers 1 Wallace, Steven 2017.04.23 mp3
49 Joseph: Reunited With Brothers 2 Wallace, Steven 2017.04.23 mp3
Revelation And Creation PowerPoint and Audio Material



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How To Study The Bible

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